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Our Team

Sameer Bansal

Co-Founder | Pulmonologist | Guitar Player

As a dedicated doctor, passionate advocate for education, I believe that health and education are fundamental human rights. Through Vetaas, I employ my strengths and skills to create environments where learning never stops and where growth and well-being are at the heart of everything we do. At Vetaas we focus on early childhood so that there are greater chances of the children becoming well-rounded adults.Let's connect

Kirti Krishna

Co-Founder | Teacher Educator | Esperantist

Education has been my ticket to happiness. All the years that I served in the education sector makes me believe that investing in early childhood education is our best bet at creating happy childhoods. Vetaas was born out of this bold hunger to foster the best early childhood care practices and support parents in their parenting journeys.Let's connect

Avneet Kaur

Educator | Curriculum Designer | SEL Practitioner

Every child deserves a childhood filled with curiosity, connection, and confidence. I see early education as a canvas where children paint their first experiences of self-expression and emotional resilience. At Vetaas, I craft learning experiences that nurture social-emotional growth, ensuring children thrive in both heart and mind.Let's connect