How it all began

Nature is the greatest inspiration one can ask for and it is hard to imagine anything more nurturing than the tree. When research and experience convinced us that engaging with early childhood is the best investment in education, we looked no further than Mother Nature for direction. As a reminder of all our muse we created a name inspired by the concept of the nurturing tree and our collective hope for a happy future.
‘Veth’ in many Indian languages refers to trees and ‘aas’ refers to hope. These beautiful ideas come together to form ‘Vetaas’ that translates to ‘Tree of Hope.’ And that is what we present, a way to nurture hope and life alongside.

The Magic Formula

Social Emotional Learning(SEL) is the most progressive framework we have to perceive education holistically. In an age where technological advances have increased our average life expectancies considerably and artificial intelligence is contesting our relevance, adopting a learning mindset is key to our own survival. And what best time to embrace this framework than early childhood education?
Vetaas strives to reimagine the early childhood education curriculum from the lens of SEL and empower the teachers and the parents with skills, knowledge and perspectives to make SEL part of their teaching and learning journeys.

Our Work With Parents

Every child deserves both holistic and wholesome care, especially during their early years. Research and experience provide sufficient evidence that informed parenting offers the best shot at promising happy childhoods. The parent engagement services provided by Vetaas focuses on empowering the parent community with research backed practices for early childhood care.

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Our Work With Teachers

The role of teachers in early childhood care is a very important one. While parents will agree that taking care of their own child(ren) is complex, one can imagine the plight of the teacher trying to help a classroom full of children in their learning journeys. It is only fair that we support teachers in providing excellent early childhood care.
At Vetaas, we think that teachers need support in replenishing their repertoire of techniques to scaffold the development of children and more importantly in renewing their physical, mental and emotional energies. Vetaas provides thoughtfully crafted programs for teachers to help themselves enjoy their teaching journeys happily. .

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Our Team

Sameer Bansal

Co-Founder | Pulmonologist | Guitar Player

As a dedicated doctor, passionate advocate for education, I believe that health and education are fundamental human rights. Through Vetaas, I employ my strengths and skills to create environments where learning never stops and where growth and well-being are at the heart of everything we do. At Vetaas we focus on early childhood so that there are greater chances of the children becoming well-rounded adults.Let's connect

Kirti Krishna

Co-Founder | Teacher Educator | Esperantist

Education has been my ticket to happiness. All the years that I served in the education sector makes me believe that investing in early childhood education is our best bet at creating happy childhoods. Vetaas was born out of this bold hunger to foster the best early childhood care practices and support parents in their parenting journeys.Let's connect

Avneet Kaur

Educator | Curriculum Designer | SEL Practitioner

Every child deserves a childhood filled with curiosity, connection, and confidence. I see early education as a canvas where children paint their first experiences of self-expression and emotional resilience. At Vetaas, I craft learning experiences that nurture social-emotional growth, ensuring children thrive in both heart and mind.Let's connect